
Pretty good!

Played quite a bit more Dark Souls than I thought I'd have the chance to (Buy D3 Gold). I'm at SL50 now; I had to put a couple levels into Strength and Endurance in order to wield the Eagle Shield. With the help of TrulyBlind, we beat the Golem at Sen's Fortress, and even beat Ornstein and Smough on our first try! I am now the proud owner of a Quelaag's Furysword +5, and am on my way to get the Very Large Ember in the New Londo Ruins so that I can compare damage between Quelaag's Furysword and an Uchigatana +15.

Played a few rounds of Soul Calibur V yesterday morning against my roommate and a friend of his from Canada who came down to visit. Good times were had.

On a non-gaming note, the trip going river floating was both awesome and challenging at the same time... Needless to say, I'm glad we made it home alive. 

