
What did you do to try to keep?

I am not familiar with the dancing horse lifestyles of the rich and famous (Diablo 3 Gold). You see, when us poor people want something, we take steps to work towards it. Since we don't have a butler, its really the only way to go.

If you want to keep your baby, you have to find some way to feed, house and clothe it. Did you apply for welfare, or were you too good to game the system exactly as it was intended? Did you try to team up with another mom from the gestation vacation destination so they could watch yours while you worked if you did the same for them? Did you even look in to or ask about jobs that were available to single mothers?

Did you try to find a place to live with your baby? Did you think keys to an apartment would come out after the placenta?

I bet a few of you assumed your daddy or baby daddy would come thru at the last minute (Diablo 3 Gold). You must have really thought that would happen. You bet your baby it would. You lost.. but you still could have left your child in temporary foster care.

Did you know about the respite care available for several months while you got on your feet, or could you not be bothered to read these papers concerning your child and if you would see them for the next 18 years?

There's also things that its important that you not do if you are working towards a particular goal. Did you sign the papers at the hospital, or in court?

You willingly gave your baby up because you were too lazy, stupid or aloof to do what you had to do to keep your baby.

Yes I know, you don't think anybody ever gets their baby back from respite care (Diablo 3 Gold). But wouldn't you have felt better if you had tried?

I feel like that guy in Office Space where the guy tells a big rambling story and the new boss is like "Soo.. What would you say you DO here at innotec?"

You've got a metric shit ton of excuses, but what did you do or try to do to keep your baby? 

