
What people want to read

What people want to read and what they are willing to sign up to receive are actually two different things (Diablo iii Gold). This guy? His newsletters sucked...bad. It was crap he bought from a service that creates newsletters for his type of business.

However, the newsletter went out to customers of his shop and had good deals with the coupons (for his shop). Different? Yes. Although some similarities.

He had a small shop. However, he had over 1100 people get this crappy thing (via email alone), plus at least as many via paper (I suspect a large percentage got both for a variety of reasons which are irrelevant).

Why so many newsletter subscribers in a relatively small business?

a. for the coupons.

b. to enter in to his trivia contest (to win dinner and a movie for 2).

c. he listed his customers names in there (I think there were 4 spots for client of the month, testimonial of the month, people who referred business, and the winner of the contest). Some people just got a big kick out of seeing their name in there.

The best answer to your sales/leads question I will give is this (Diablo iii Gold):

This guy spent a lot of money on mailing those paper ones...I know...I paid those bills. Also, this guy is no dummy - I know that he knows with 100% certainty it worked for him (he tracks everything).

I will also add that you can type variations of his business in to Google and he comes up #1. Even if the city is kind of far. He doesn't pay for that. It's because of the thousands (probably) of hits he gets for people entering the trivia contest alone. He also has other ways that drive traffic to the site. I'd be willing to bet his site gets more traffic than places that do 10X in sales. All good, organic traffic. 

