1. "marriage" was not invented until about 1100 A.D. It was created to bring some sense of order to the promiscuous ruling class (i.e., the clergy) who believed they had a right to have sex with anyone at anytime. Only the King retained that right for a while thereafter.
2. There was no word for "homosexual" at the time of Christ (Diablo 3 Gold). People merely enjoyed what sensual pleasures they could with whomever or whatever pleased them.
3. Jesus was probably gay. At the very least, he was asexual, and his message was peace and love towards all. The idea that some men should decide that God made mistakes they should correct is an invention of various organized religions - creating hate groups to solidity their power.
4. The Bible actually consists of a few carefully selected Gospels chosen by Constantine in the 4th Century A.D. Those he agreed with were officially sanctioned; those he disagreed with were banned on pain of death (Diablo 3 Gold). Constantine was politically very savvy and created the Bible to organize a religion that he would lead which preserved traditional Roman values - and those "values" included a lot of same-sex relationships.